This oxcart came speeding past us in a sudden downpour - near Ajanta, India

This is a big faire during Dusejera Festival in the Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh, in the north of India. There were snake charmers and an old fashioned Carny show. It was freezing cold @ 7000 feet in the Himalayan foothills. I slept in a yurt as there no hotel rooms available and did not see another Westerner all week.

This man asked me to photograph him and stood and posed. I bought a sweater from the two brothers at the stand behind him. Click on photo to enlarge - you can see his beautiful Kullu Gold eyes - many Kullus have gold or silver colored eyes - unique to this area of India. Quite startling and beautfiul.

Resting after Chinese New Years Parade in Ambon, Indonesia

These girls were pests and fought like cats and dogs between themselves. Kovalum Beach, Kerala, south India