healing fast

Last scab fell off ! traces of 2 black eyes and bump on forehead still visible -face is swollen but does not hurt! acupuncture resolved the back spasm! feeling OK!

a week tomorrow - skin is green and yellow where i hit the pavement first - would NOT have hit so hard had i been wearing a helmet - will from now on - back spasm better- moving more naturally - did modified standing poses and stretched, - taking tylenol and motrin - will b fine in a week
monday - 5th day after the accident - healing - scabs falling off - bruises turning green and yellow - less swelling - my back muscles are in spasms and its painfull to move
anya is here + 1000% uptick in healing
we drank champagne - toasted to survival -
danced around for an hour or more to rock and roll >
bruises are healing
3rd day post-accident -

2nd day after trauma - healing up - can open my eye - ache and hurt everywhere - don't want to go out - glad Anya is coming down from Seattle tonight

1 day later-looks awful but does not really hurt - taking aspirin - resting - ice packs on eye
9 hours after crashing
fell down on Octavia st - steep hill - and slid down the street face first -firemen/trauma team got to me in minutes - brought me to ER at SF General - waited a long time - others with more serious injuries had to be cared for ahead of me - nurses and doctors were wonderful - in 8 hours chest, back and arm were Xrayed and head CAT scanned - all they found was trivia in the brain ! Hah ! broken front tooth is the worst of it !

Last scab fell off ! traces of 2 black eyes and bump on forehead still visible -face is swollen but does not hurt! acupuncture resolved the back spasm! feeling OK!

a week tomorrow - skin is green and yellow where i hit the pavement first - would NOT have hit so hard had i been wearing a helmet - will from now on - back spasm better- moving more naturally - did modified standing poses and stretched, - taking tylenol and motrin - will b fine in a week
monday - 5th day after the accident - healing - scabs falling off - bruises turning green and yellow - less swelling - my back muscles are in spasms and its painfull to move

anya is here + 1000% uptick in healing
we drank champagne - toasted to survival -
danced around for an hour or more to rock and roll >
bruises are healing
3rd day post-accident -

2nd day after trauma - healing up - can open my eye - ache and hurt everywhere - don't want to go out - glad Anya is coming down from Seattle tonight

1 day later-looks awful but does not really hurt - taking aspirin - resting - ice packs on eye

9 hours after crashing
fell down on Octavia st - steep hill - and slid down the street face first -firemen/trauma team got to me in minutes - brought me to ER at SF General - waited a long time - others with more serious injuries had to be cared for ahead of me - nurses and doctors were wonderful - in 8 hours chest, back and arm were Xrayed and head CAT scanned - all they found was trivia in the brain ! Hah ! broken front tooth is the worst of it !