Be Safe ! Do the most good for the most people …
Graduated and got my hardhat, vest and gloves - I was good at planning/strategy (Intelligence dept) - dealing with incoming information at command center and responding by directing and deploying teams where needed; a role I played in one of our rescue scenarios. I felt more competent doing that than trying to extricate victims from fallen debris or putting out fires.
25 victims and 22 rescuers participated in the last scenario… everyone was assigned a role - rescue teams of 2, 3, 4 or more. Teams elect a leader immediately - strategize + assign responsibilities - decide where to put the walking wounded, where to put dead - etc -tying color coded plastic tape visibly on each victim as they are triaged - black for dead person - red for person needing immediate medical attention - yellow for someone whose medical needs can be met later - ("delayed" category) and green for walking wounded - able to get themselves to first aid area, capable of helping themselves.
First responders "tag" victims - Victims are repeatedly triaged as each team comes by to help the victims - someone could be tagged red - and then if bleeding has stopped or victim regains consciousness or whatever - they may be later tagged yellow or green as they improve - or v.v.
During the last scenario I played a victim - had been a rescuer in all previous scenarios - the teacher said u can learn more being a victim and seeing all the mistakes rescuers make. My role was to scream non stop at the top of my lungs - trying to drown out the other 3 screamers - we were told to keep screaming during the whole rescue - while sitting under a table - (we were dispersed in 4 corners of large room) holding on for dear life - refusing aid - not answering questions - intense! I scared at least one rescuer - who later said I was very convincing - rattled him pretty good - which is the point. i was approached by at least 3 maybe 4 rescuers - and not one of them "tagged" me - which each should have done - so it was a huge learning experience !